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Escatawpa Utility District Fire Hydrant Flushing

For Customers within the Escatawpa Utility District

As part of JCUA's attempt to continue to improve the water pressure and water quality within the Escatawpa Utility District following the loss of water during the winter storm, JCUA will be conducting a directed fire flushing process this afternoon in the Hwy 63 corridor between I-10 and the Escatawpa River.

This may result in cloudy or even possibly yellowish tinted water in the area as the result of dislodging iron oxide deposits which may have built up within the pipe system over the years. Additionally, a slight drop in pressure within the area may be observed, but this drop should only be seen locally and the pressure drop should be minimal.

We are unsure of how often this flushing process has been conducted in this area in the past and apologize for any of the short-term water quality issues that may be created, but the end goal is to improve not only the water pressure and water quality, but also to ensure that the fire fighting capacity of the water system is maximized as well.

Thank you for your patience!

Fire Hydrant